Russian Style

Russian Style
420061, Казань, улица Николая Ершова, 1А
Drink Mall st. Nikolay Ershov, 1A, floor 3, Kazan, Rep. Tatarstan, Russia, 420061 +7 917 926 22 21
20231215T180000 20231216T060000 Friday, 15 December, 18:00 - 06:00
Russian Style together with
DJ Ram
DJ Mirov
Russian Style in Drink Mall!<br> <br> Valid FC|DC 18+<br> <br> Happy Hour: from 18.00 to 21.00 - 50% discount on cocktails.<br> The discount is valid upon presentation of a QR code from the Korston App mobile application (download)<br> <br> We rest from 18.00 until the morning!<br> Entrance is free.<br> You can book a table in the VIP-box with a deposit.